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مایکل هاتر و دیوید تراسبی (ویرایش شده): فراتر از قیمت. ارزش در فرهنگ ، اقتصاد و هنر

نویسنده: اولاو ولتویس[1] چکیده: محققان علوم انسانی ، جامعه شناسی، انسان شناسی اعتقاد داشتند که اقتصاددانان قیمت همه چیز را…
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رابطه جهانی شدن اقتصاد و تاثیر آن بر توسعه اقتصاد هنرهای تجسمی ایران (حراجی ها)

چکیده: هدف نوشته حاضر بررسی رابطه جهانی شدن اقتصاد و تاثیر آن بر اقتصاد هنرهای تجسمی ایران است. این پژوهش…
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Consumer Behavior Characteristics in Fast Fashion

Author: Tina Yinyin Wang Abstract: Currently there is a lack of research in fast fashion consumer behaviors both in academic…
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استراتژی های خلاقانه شهر در دستور کار شهرداری در نیویورک

نویسنده: شوشانه بی.دی. گلدبرگ-میلر[1] چکیده: استراتژی های خلاق شهر چیست و چگونه می توانند در برنامه شهرداری جایگاهی کسب کنند؟…
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Creative economy from the perspective of Science and Technology Accessory President

As one of the components of the knowledge-based economy, creative and innovative industries play a significant role in other areas…
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The first call to attract creative Iranian handicraft projects

 Acceleration Center of Roshankhaneh Mashq Honar, Iran’s First Crafts Acceleration Center, focusing on the economic development of the handicrafts, believes…
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Initiation overseas handicraft sales marketing team

Looking at overseas markets, Roshankhaneh Mashq Honar Business Commerce sent out prototypes of artist-made products for marketing and sales to…
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Rural Employment Study Project and Comprehensive Handicraft Center Design

Roshankhaneh Mashq Honar trading activity started from rural handicrafts and in order to achieve the development of rural handicrafts and…
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Holding an Art Economy Workshop on the Art Market on the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Tehran

The first workshop of art economics was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in Tehran on December…
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Master in cultural industries and entrepreneurship

Cultural industries play a vital role in modern societies. Bringing together perspectives from media and cultural studies with business studies,…
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Charles Landry

Charles Landry (born July 1, 1948) is an author, speaker and international adviser on the future of cities best known for…
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The Demand for the Arts

Authors: Louis Lévy-Garboua & Claude Montmarquette  Abstract : This paper discusses the demand for the arts from a theoretical and…